Nina Lucine - Poem.

Sometimes, sometimes i wished time would go slower, to make your smile last longer. To have your eyes look into me even just a second longer. Sometimes, i silence my own mind with the sound of your voice, that is forever engraved within me. In my love i can allways breath again, smile again. You are the one who is allways in my mind. The one i would open my heart for. And allways as i close my eyes, i see your own. I open mine, i hear your voice.And if anything else.. im still thinking of you. Sometimes, sometimes i Can make time go slower, before my closed eyes, seeing every still frame from your every move. Your every gesture is in me. You are the light in my darkest nights, my days, my seasons. My Sometimes, my heart. You are the light of my love, and someday ill follow until i reach it, reach into yours. Sometimes, sometimes i love you to much it hurts, not to call you my love. Not to know what you think of me. But it allso soothes me couse in the end i know that you are like me. A Hopeless romantic. A sweet being. You are love itself waiting for the right one. And i hope with all my love that that one is me. Sometime, someday and allways, I sincerly Love You.

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